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I'm Wendy, and I want to be your voice on the Forest Hills Board of Education!

Why Am I Running?

When I was young, I used to play school. I would have my younger sister bring friends home, so I could set up the chalkboard in the basement and teach reading and math. I think perhaps education has always been in my soul. I am also a servant leader. When I see a need that I believe I can help fulfill, I leap forward and offer all I can. I see a need for strong, supportive leadership on the Forest Hills Board of Education. I know I can fulfill this role.


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I spent 2 years working as a consultant for the Forest Hills School District and then approximately 8 years working in the district. I have incredible respect and appreciation for the staff and administrators and the work they do. I would like to be part of supporting a positive vision for FHSD moving forward. I would like to help ensure that we support the district’s work from the highest level, demonstrate fiscal responsibility, but most of all ensure a rigorous, relevant, research-based education that meets the needs of every student. At the end of the day, the work should always come back to the best decisions for our kids.

Why Am I a Good Candidate?

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  • I am an educator with experience in Cincinnati Public, Lockland School District, and Forest Hills Schools. This knowledge helps me come prepared for the position by understanding critical parts of the system I would help lead. 


  • I have a PhD in School Psychology - this is a strong indication not only of a knowledge base about how kids learn and types of environmental support needed, but also an indication of a strong work ethic and passion for research.  I bring to the board an understanding of how kids develop, what they need and when they need it. 


  • Much of my doctoral work focused on leadership and systems change.   I understand how to help identify needs and work with a group to figure out the best plan to meet those needs.  The knowledge and skills that I have developed in these areas will be instrumental in a school board position.


  • I have worked as an educational consultant with the Ohio Department of Education, and throughout Hamilton, Clermont, Warren, and Butler counties. I bring to the FHSD board a breadth of experience and connections regarding how school districts are operating and types of support needed.

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